Curved Coatd Knit Cap (Cinnabar)

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  • Black


  • Cinnabar



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JULIUS 24-25 Autumn Winter Collection.

A covered cap with a pattern set to create an arched shape.
The depth of wear can be adjusted, allowing you to enjoy the drape effect while wearing it.
The coating enhances the cap's avant-garde, fashion-forward appeal.

【Additional Information】
●Collection: 24AW
●Stretch: Medium


JULIUS was created in 2001 as an art project, and started as a project that is based on Clothing, Images, Graphics and Music, to show the vision of the world of the creator Tatsuro Horikawa. They were present during the Paris Collection in 2008 and have many shops selling their brand overseas, especially for a Japanese brand.JULIUS collections are mostly based on black and dark tone colors, and his the main brand of The R.


Item Code JU487EM00277
Brand Item Code
* For store inquiries
877ACU7-C cinnabar
Color Cinnabar
Country Of Manufacture Japan
Season AW2024

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